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Code of Conduct

At Mi-Cher, we are dedicated to providing a safe, respectful, and positive learning environment and to facilitate the best experience for all involved. This is why we have a certain level of expected behaviour for all Mi-Cher families. We believe that we are not only training students in dance, but also in key life skills that will last beyond the studio doors.

To ensure a positive experience for all, it’s important that dancers, parents/guardians, teachers, staff, and all others understand and adhere to the Mi-Cher Code of Conduct.

Disciplinary Actions
  • A breach of the Mi-Cher Code of Conduct will result in one verbal warning and one written warning. Further breaches may result in immediate cancellation of enrolment without refund, or termination of employment or contract.

Dancers are expected to please…
  • Attend classes regularly, participating with effort and enthusiasm.

    • In case of illness, injury, or family emergency, please contact us.

  • Arrive to classes on time (arriving 5 minutes before class is good practice).

    • This is important so dancers do not miss the class warm-up, which helps protect against unnecessary injuries.

  • Arrive to class with hair pulled back (proper bun for ballet classes) and wearing the proper class uniform.

    • Leave jewelry at home (aside from small earrings or religious jewelry).

    • Do not wear nail polish.

    • Do not chew gum, as it is a choking hazard.

  • Be kind, honest, and respectful to teachers, assistants, staff, and fellow dancers.

    • Swearing, lying, inappropriate, disrespectful and disruptive behaviour and language, bullying, harassment, and intimidation will not be tolerated. Every dancer learns in different ways and at different paces. We never make fun of a fellow dancer.

    • If there is a problem in class, or with another dancer, please speak to the teacher quietly. Gossiping and spreading rumors with other dancers will not be tolerated.

    • Younger students are always watching. Be a role model at all times, including language, topics of conversation, and behaviour.

  • Focus and listen to the teacher's instructions (there should be no talking while the teacher is talking or while others are dancing).

  • Turn off or silence electronic devices. No electronic devices allowed in class. We are not responsible for stolen or misplaced items.

  • Treat the studio’s and others’ possessions with respect and care.

    • No hanging or leaning on barres; no touching mirrors, piano, or sound system.

    • Clean up any mess created while at the studio.

    • Absolutely no smoking, vaping, alcohol, or drugs are permitted on or around the studio premises.


Parents are expected to please…
  • Be kind, polite, and respectful to teachers, assistants, staff, students, volunteers, and other parents. Remember actions and words set an example. Any person displaying inappropriate, disrespectful, or aggressive behaviour will be asked to leave.

  • Support your child in honouring their commitment to classes, rehearsals, and performances.

  • Read Parent Portal and email updates and newsletters to keep up-to-date on important information.

  • Email or text beforehand if a student will be late or absent from class.

  • Communicate with your child’s teacher through official studio channels.

  • Refrain from gossip. If you have a concern, please contact the studio directly.

  • Focus on supporting your child in doing their personal best rather than comparing abilities and/or achievements.


Teachers & Staff are expected to please…
  • Uphold and follow studio rules and provide quality class instruction.

    • Maintain a safe, structured, respectful, disciplined, and positive learning environment in the appropriate manner.

    • Communicate the importance of enjoyment and personal improvement while providing positive, supportive feedback.

    • Consider varying maturity, ability levels, and developmental stages in design of class activities and choreography.

    • Ensure that any physical contact is professional and appropriate.

    • Encourage students to reach their dance goals, while being honest and never misrepresenting the abilities or potential of a student.

    • Never act in an abusive or discriminative manner.

    • Respect students’ right to privacy and requests for confidentiality.

    • Follow medical advice for students returning to class after injury or illness.

  • Direct all communication through official studio channels (email, text/call 604-536-1191, @micherdance on Instagram, Mi-Cher Dance Academy on Facebook). No personal messages between teachers and students.

  • Maintain professional behaviour and appearance, including punctuality and reliability. Avoid any behaviour that would bring disrepute to Mi-Cher.

  • Participate in regular professional development and stay informed on best teaching practices.

  • Do not use classes or studio relationships to promote personal endeavours.

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Address:  #214 - 15272 Croydon Drive,

Surrey, BC, V3Z 0Z5

   Phone:  (604) 536-1191

    Email:  ​

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© 2021 Mi-Cher Dance Academy (2021) Ltd.

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